Performance Ventoux is the most fearsome mountain encountered on the Tour de France. It is also the story of Lance Armstrong and Marco Pantani, whose drug-fuelled race back in 2000 was the greatest the world of cycling had ever seen. Ventoux … Ventoux
Performance ABACUS is a baroque presentation delivered by Japanese cult-icon Paul Abacus about the future of national borders, the workings of contemporary persuasion, and our evolving relationship to the screens in our public and private spaces, including our pockets. Inspired by … ABACUS
Performance A trip around the world via storytelling at its most effortlessly fluent, 17 Border Crossings starts with a man at a desk on an empty stage and ends up everywhere but. The itinerary: a worse-for-wear Communist-era train traveling from Prague … 17 Border Crossings
Performance Shelley Mitchell talks to Summerhall TV about her Edinburgh Fringe show, Talking with Angels: Budapest, 1943. A remarkable true story of four young Hungarian artists and their life-changing conversations they had with what they came to call angels. Gitta Mallasz, … Talking with Angels: Budapest, 1943
Performance A baby chick is born and thinks the sky is falling down. On the way to tell the King, she meets Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky and Turkey Lurkey, but there’s a shocking surprise! Chicken Licken grows up to be the … Chicken Licken and the Little Red Hen