Festivals Dave Hammond joins writer Donald Murray and artist Doug Robertson, to discuss their collaboration for the book ‘The Guga Stone: Lies, Legends and Lunacies from St.Kilda.’ Visual artist Douglas Robertson was born and brought up on the east coast of … Donald Murray and Doug Robertson : Wordplay Festival
Festivals Dave Hammond joins broadcaster and author, Sally Magnusson, to discuss her book ‘Where Memories Go : Why Dementia Changes Everything’, at this year’s Wordplay Festival. Exploring the effects of dementia, Magnusson talks candidly about her personal experience caring for her … Sally Magnusson : Where Memories Go
Festivals Broadcaster and author Lesley Riddoch, brings her book ‘Blossom : What Scotland Needs to Flourish’, to Shetland’s literary festival, Wordplay. Covering such topics as the grassroots efforts involved in the Scottish Independence Referendum, youth engagement in politics, and the impact … Lesley Riddoch : Blossom at Wordplay
Festivals James Meek was interviewed in October for www.writerstories.tv at the Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair held, at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall. Meek talks about his book Private Island, which explores the privatisation of some of Britain’s largest … James Meek : Private Island
Festivals Dominic Hinde talks to Writer Stories TV about the Post Collective, at the Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair, hosted in Leith’s Out of the Blue space. The collective is an open journalism project dedicated to providing a platform for people … Dominic Hinde : Post Collective
Festivals Natalia Palombo introduces the 9th edition of Africa in Motion Film, a yearly film festival that explores the best and most interesting films that Africa has to offer. Staged at various venues throughout Glasgow and Edinburgh, the festival puts on … Natalia Palombo : Africa In Motion Film Festival
Festivals The 18th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair – the alternative international book festival – will take place from Wednesday 22 to Sunday 26 October 2014 in Out of the Blue Drill Hall. Around 70 publishers will be displaying books ranging … Elaine Henry : Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 2014
Festivals The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival takes place in venues around Scotland, every October, and aims to challenge preconceived ideas around mental health, explore the opportunities within creative practices, and bring together communities through events, performances and exhibitions. … Gail Aldam : Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival
Books Festivals Alexandra Gushurst-Moore interviews author Sara Maitland at this year’s Edinburgh International Book Festival. The book, Moss Witch and other stories, is a captivating set of short stories in which Maitland explores scientific interest through a wide variety of story-telling styles. Sara Maitland : Moss Witch and other stories
Festivals Lucinda Broadbent has been making documentary films for over 20 years, specialising in Human Rights themes. She is based in Glasgow, one of the founder members of www.mediaco-op.net. Jenny Brown, a young volunteer at Screenplay makes her film debut as … Lucinda Broadbent : The Bridge Rising
Festivals An interview with Guardian columnist John Harris following his lecture ‘Independence and the English: Prospects for the Left’ at the Yestival held at Summerhall on the 9th July. Far from despairing the prospect of the left in Scotland deserting the … John Harris : Yestival at Summerhall
Festivals Lidia Krzynowek, Director of the Polish Cultural Festival Association, introduces the heritage festival that takes place at Summerhall. Featuring a mix of talks, events and exhibitions, the festival aims to explore the cultural link that has existed, and continues to … Lidia Krzynowek : Polish Scottish Heritage Festival
Festivals An interview with Guardian columnist John Harris following his lecture ‘Independence and the English: Prospects for the Left’ at the Yestival held at Summerhall on the 9th July. Far from despairing the prospect of the left in Scotland deserting the … John Harris : Yestival at Summerhall
Festivals The month long Yestival Festival tour hits Summerhall yesterday for four days of creative politicking around the referendum question. Yestivals’ Edinburgh coordinator Jenny Lindsay introduces the team of volunteers and highlights the many locations around Scotland where Yestival has still to … Jenny Lindsay : Yestival
Festivals Yestival, a four-day festival of politics, debate, music, art and culture, reaches Summerhall in Edinburgh. Ross Aitchison invites us to enjoy the wide range of artists and events featured during the festival from the 9th to the 12th of July. Ross Aitchision : Yestival at Summerhall
Festivals Describing the Jimmy Reid Foundation as the policy arm of the independence movement Robin McAlpine argues that politics engages creativity to represent a more confident and articulate Scotland. Successfully organised through social media the Festival in Glasgow’s Arches demonstrated how … Robin McAlpine : Common Weal Festival
Festivals Children and Education Programme Director Janet Smyth, introduces this year’s Children’s Book Festival highlights, which includes many events that take a look at the First World War Centenary. The Children’s Programme at Edinburgh International Book Festival runs from the 9th … Janet Smyth : Children’s Programme at EIBF 2014
Festivals Literature Children and Education Programme Director Janet Smyth, introduces this year’s Children’s Book Festival highlights, which includes many events that take a look at the First World War Centenary. The Children’s Programme at Edinburgh International Book Festival runs from the 9th … Janet Smyth : Children’s Programme at EIBF 2014
Festivals Nick Barley, Director of Edinburgh International Book Festival, introduces this year’s programme at the launch held in Central Hall, Edinburgh. The programme has many aspects to it, and will be taking a look at the Centenary of World War One, … Nick Barley : Edinburgh International Book Festival 2014
Festivals Literature Nick Barley, Director of Edinburgh International Book Festival, introduces this year’s programme at the launch held in Central Hall, Edinburgh. The programme has many aspects to it, and will be taking a look at the Centenary of World War One, … Nick Barley : Edinburgh International Book Festival 2014
Festivals Robert Harris talks about his last book in the Historical Fiction Festival. The book, An Officer and a Spy, tells the story of the Dreyfus Affair. Robert Harris : An Officer and a Spy
Festivals Director of the Summerhall Historical Fiction Festival, Iain Gale, talks about some of this year’s programme highlights. In its second year, the Summerhall Historical Fiction Festival celebrates all that is great in historical fiction. A series of panel events, readings … Iain Gale : Summerhall Historical Fiction Festival 2014
Festivals Visual Arts Sorcha Carey, Director of Edinburgh Art Festival, introduces the highlights of this year’s festival. The festival showcases a range of work from UK based and international artists, at galleries and art spaces all over Edinburgh, from the 31st July to … Sorcha Carey : Edinburgh Art Festival Preview 2014
Festivals Planning and Operations Director Roy Luxford, introduces some of the highlights for this year’s Edinburgh International Festival. Edinburgh International Festival is on at various venues throughout Edinburgh, from the 8th-31st August 2014. Roy Luxford : Edinburgh International Festival 2014
Festivals Lucilla Sim, StAnza Artist in Residence 2012, discusses her exhibition, which was shown during the 2014 festival. Sim combines found objects and text, and uses a process that utilises potassium permanganate to provide a layered affect on her work. Sim … Lucilla Sim : Found on the Road North
Festivals Director of Glasgow’s Aye Write! Festival, Karen Cunningham gives a sneak preview into what’s going on at this year’s festival. Taking place at the Mitchell Library, Aye Write! will be celebrating the legacy left behind by Scottish writer Iain Banks, … Karen Cunningham : Aye Write! Book Festival
Festivals Director of the School’s MLitt in Women, Writing and Gender at University of St.Andrews, Gill Plain discusses the role of women war poets at StAnza’s Past & Present sessions. These events present contemporary speakers giving a personal response to a … Gill Plain : Past and Present
Festivals Visual Arts Lucilla Sim, StAnza Artist in Residence 2012, discusses her exhibition, which was shown during the 2014 festival. Sim combines found objects and text, and uses a process that utilises potassium permanganate to provide a layered affect on her work. Sim … Lucilla Sim : Found on the Road North
Festivals Festival Director Eleanor Livingstone introduces the annual poetry festival that takes place in St.Andrews. As well as poetry, the festival features music and art, and provides opportunities for collaboration across the creative platforms. stanzapoetry.org/index.php Eleanor Livingstone : StAnza Festival 2014