Books 13th March 2017 Visual, Carlow The Carlow College Literary Awards brings together the entire college community to recognise and celebrate the very best of Carlow College literary talent. The awards gather together the college literary community in a spirit of … Derek Coyle, Thomas McGrath and Nicole Burke : Carlow College Literary Awards & Creative Writing Showcase
Festivals Jim Kelly interviews Glyn Maxwell about his new book, The Sugar Mile, a series of monologues set during the Second World War and a post 9/11 environment, at the 2005 Edinburgh International Book Festival. Glyn Maxwell is a poet and … Glyn Maxwell : The Sugar Mile
Festivals Lucilla Sim, StAnza Artist in Residence 2012, discusses her exhibition, which was shown during the 2014 festival. Sim combines found objects and text, and uses a process that utilises potassium permanganate to provide a layered affect on her work. Sim … Lucilla Sim : Found on the Road North
Festivals Director of the School’s MLitt in Women, Writing and Gender at University of St.Andrews, Gill Plain discusses the role of women war poets at StAnza’s Past & Present sessions. These events present contemporary speakers giving a personal response to a … Gill Plain : Past and Present
Festivals Festival Director Eleanor Livingstone introduces the annual poetry festival that takes place in St.Andrews. As well as poetry, the festival features music and art, and provides opportunities for collaboration across the creative platforms. Eleanor Livingstone : StAnza Festival 2014