23 May 2017 – 10 Jun 2017
Old Market House Arts Centre, Dungarvan
To capture line, shape, form and colour has long been the quest of Fine Artist Lupita De Bhail. Then to take that line and develop it into shape and form, and to give that form colour which is meaningful has been her endeavour. She uses acrylics and pastels to capture the elusive nuances of light and shade as a way of defining form in her still lives, landscapes and figure paintings. All of the above mentioned elements are used to create balance which is crucial to the overall composition of her work. This balance is created by using these elements in tandem so that a strong rhythm permeates throughout her work.
Lupita De Bhail’s latest exhibition “Soundings” is at the Old Market House Arts Centre Dungarvan and is open Tuesday to Friday 11am-5pm (lunchtime close 1.30 to 2.30pm) and Saturdays 1pm to 5pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.