Grow Wild invited young people aged 12-25 to apply for funding to produce creative works of art to raise awareness about the importance of UK native wild flowers and plants. Visit Summerhall this June to see how successful applicants interpreted the brief through different artistic mediums from poetry to embroidery, sculpture to steel band music…
To find out more about Grow Wild’s Get Creative takeover, click here;
Grow Wild is the UK’s biggest-ever wild flower campaign, bringing people together to transform local spaces with native, pollinator-friendly wild flowers and plants. Supported by the Big Lottery Fund, Grow Wild is the national outreach initiative of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Opening times: Sat 24 Jun 2017 to Sun 09 Jul 2017 11:00–18:00 (not open on Mondays)
Venue: Sciennes Gallery