MERZ Gallery, Sanquhar, is putting on an exhibit of the artwork of Charles Jencks and Alex Rigg, in conjunction with the Summer Solstice Festival at the The Crawick Multiverse, the weekend of June 24-26th. Exhibition open 24 June – 3 September 2016
The exhibition features the idea that wave-forms permeate all of nature and the cosmos. Not only do they underlie water waves and brain waves, but also they are behind the twists and folds of the landscape, both natural and artificial patterns.
Scientists tell us that everything in the universe is both a wave and a particle, so it is no surprise that we see this truth in all of nature and at all scales. In this exhibit, Jencks will be showing painting and sculpture that reveal how the landscape and skyscape are actually made up of waveforms. These travelling waves underlie everything we see, especially the full electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma waves to radio waves. And Jet Stream waves organise into strange attractors that direct weather patterns of rain, wind and temperature that swirl around us every day. Alex Rigg and his company Oceanallover perform to, at, in, on, around, over such landscapes, both natural and man-made.
These performances are presented as a series of journeys or cycles that play with themes and variations of themes. The over-arching subject for all of these journeys is the persistence, resilience and intensity of life. For this exhibition Charles Jencks and Alex Rigg make a joint presentation of their work, with a particular emphasis on their collaborative work for the Crawick Multiverse site. The points of inspiration for this collaborative discussion are Solar Flare-Earth Shield and Coal as Petrified Sunlight – the Vortex of Energy.
More information at A’ the Airts, Sanquhar