Combining puppetry, magic and scientific-demonstration, The Assembly of Animals gives a glimpse into the inner workings of a laboratory looking for life in everyday objects. As a performed sculpture, a series of delicately composed experiments reveal a proliferating system of surprises and animals within animals.
Tim is an artistic inventor, and uses basic physics and a surrealist imagination to create this carefully constructed and delicate world, leaving children entertained throughout.
Produced by Artsadmin for Bamboo supported by the EU Culture Programme. Co-production TJP-CDN d’Alsace-Strasbourg. Funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Part of British Council Edinburgh Showcase 2015.
The Assembly of Animals is on at 2.30, 4.00, 5.30, Small Animal Hospital, Summerhall, until the 29th August. Click here for more information.