Every year Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) joins forces with Garter Lane Arts Centre and the Waterford Library Services to celebrate the benefits of participation in the arts for everybody through the Well festival of arts and wellbeing. The festival is returning to Waterford from 5 -11 October 2015.
This week-long festival, which links to World Mental Health Day on 10 October, features a sub-festival of daily colourful spectacles and arts experiences with a healthy angle in the foyer of University Hospital Waterford. The festival tests different ideas around the relationship between arts and wellbeing. For example, it features an innovative workshop involving GP trainees and architecture students which looks at the design of primary care spaces and the impact of these spaces. We haven’t had an earthquake lately is a public reading that invites people to share their favourite feel-good poem or piece of prose.
The 2015 programme can be accessed through the dedicated festival website: wellwaterford.com/
Further details can be found on the Well festival facebook page: facebook.com/wellfestivalartswellbeing
For more information contact Mary Grehan on 051-842664 and Mary.Grehan@hse.ie or Caroline Senior on 051-877153 and caroline@garterlane.ie.