Dr Maeve Doyle likes to draw anatomically accurate images which are adapted/altered slightly to convey a message – ‘Anatomy with a twist, with an injection of life and fun’. Many of the drawings in the exhibition are from the collection of work she did for Modern Medicine Ireland. Dr Doyle created illustrations for the cover of the journal for over ten years. The drawings show ‘what lies beneath’ both in anatomical terms and when there is a disease process occurring. The illustrations ‘tell a story’ or ‘convey a message’ e.g. in the image of the heart, the cross-section of the heart is portrayed as an ash-tray to demonstrate the link between smoking and heart disease.
The exhibition also includes some simple black and white drawings illustrating surgical anatomy and surgical technique. Many of these drawings were requested by colleagues and were used as teaching aids.
We hope you will enjoy the exhibition – Human Anatomy with an injection of life, fun, and a touch of mischief!
Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford