“Ainmhithe” is a series of drawings and paintings, watercolour, ink and pencil on paper. They are based on Irish animals, both living and extinct. The series engages with Irish history, mythology and its identity, through the creatures that have inhabited it (for instance, the extinction of elk and wolves, and the mythology and superstitions surrounding animals such as ravens).
The artist Ronan O’Reilly is a visual artist from Kildare, Ireland. Born in 1993, he is currently studying for a Bachelor of Fine Art in Dublin Institute of Technology. He has exhibited in group shows in Ireland, Greece, Spain and Holland. Specializing in painting and drawing, he currently lives and works in Dublin.
Rona’s work is primarily concerned with the dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious mind. He make paintings and drawings that explore the personal and collective unconscious, using symbols and imagery from a broad range of sources including mysticism, spiritual practices, ancient cultures and his own dreams. The artworks serve to create a liminal space that contains real and imaginary, past and present. They seek our base fantasies and drives, dealing with subject matter such as the uncanny, mythology, archetypes and the natural world.
We hope you will enjoy the exhibition “Ainmhithe” on until 24th September at the Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford.