Italian born artist Valentina Bonizzi talks to Summerhall TV about her work for the exhibition Migration Stories, at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Valentina uses photography and video to look at migrant experiences of women from 1850 to the present day. As part of her work, Valentina previously studied an MRes at Glasgow School of Art and is now studying an AHRC funded PhD at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD).
‘Il Gancio’ which reflects upon the function of language, objects and location to explore the identities of teenagers with shared ancestry living in Glasgow, Paris and rural Italy (Filignano, Molise), and ‘Quotidiana’, an ongoing project about the acts of everyday life and the role they play in the formation of memory and identity, are two of Valentina’s films which are currently being shown at Stills Gallery and which stills have been taken as part of the Portrait Gallery exhibit. The films, which have been commissioned by Cultural Documents, are shown as part of the Second Site exhibition (27 April – 21 July) which is the first part of a three-year series of projects entitled Image/Identity, focusing on human migration.
For more information regarding Second Site visit
Migration Stories: Valentina Bonizzi has been supported by the Italian Institute of Culture in Edinburgh.